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  • Macchina di rivestimento continuo intermittente della batteria per l'elettrodo della batteria
  • Macchina di rivestimento continuo intermittente della batteria per l'elettrodo della batteria
  • Macchina di rivestimento continuo intermittente della batteria per l'elettrodo della batteria
  • Macchina di rivestimento continuo intermittente della batteria per l'elettrodo della batteria
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Macchina di rivestimento continuo intermittente della batteria per l'elettrodo della batteria

  • AOT
  • Xiamen, Cina
  • 10-25 giorni lavorativi
  • 50 set/mese
La macchina per il rivestimento degli elettrodi delle batterie è utilizzata principalmente per il processo di essiccazione in sospensione del rivestimento degli elettrodi delle batterie al litio. La macchina per il rivestimento continuo intermittente delle batterie adotta la modalità di rivestimento continuo ed è utilizzata principalmente per la ricerca di laboratorio sulle batterie al litio e per le linee di produzione su scala pilota.
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4. In cosa consiste il processo di rivestimento a secco?

La tecnologia di rivestimento a secco, un'applicazione innovativa della tecnologia di rivestimento in polvere metallica, si concentra sulla fornitura di soluzioni di rivestimento diretto senza solventi per forme farmaceutiche solide. Il fulcro della tecnologia è che il materiale di rivestimento in polvere fine è direttamente e uniformemente attaccato alla superficie del farmaco solido, senza l'introduzione di alcun solvente come mezzo. Quindi, attraverso un processo di riscaldamento controllato con precisione, questi materiali di rivestimento in polvere vengono fatti sciogliere e solidificare saldamente sulla forma di dosaggio del farmaco, con conseguente pellicola protettiva ed esteticamente gradevole. Questo processo non solo semplifica le fasi di gestione del solvente nel processo di rivestimento tradizionale, ma riduce anche significativamente l'onere ambientale e i costi di produzione

Features of battery coating machine:

1. Scraping system, parts processing precision, slurry contact part stainless steel structure, scraping thickness adjustable;

2. Main transmission adopts frequency control of motor speed, wide speed range speed constant and reliable for the speed control system, constant torque;

3. The drying box adopts a far infrared heating pipe, high heat efficiency, and long service life;

4. Using a hot air circulation system, can make the temperature uniform, not easy to burn the pole piece;

5. Temperature control adopts PID control system, high control accuracy, and reliable work;

6. The reeling adopts an automatic correction system and a pole pole-piece coiling system.

Basic Parameters:

ModelContinuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine AOT-CCM-300
Source voltageAC 220V/110V, 50HZ
WarrantyOne Year limited warranty with lifetime support
Max electrode widthLess than 300mm
Coating speed1m/min, adjustable
Coating accuracy≤±0.003mm
Roller diameterDia. 100mm
Max coating roller diameterDia. 250mm
Control pressure5-50N, adjustable
Dry temperatureRT-150℃, adjustable
Oven length1.2m
Air compression0.5-0.7MPa
Coating modeSingle-face continuous coating
Application foilAluminum foil, Copper foil
WeightAbout 1050kg


battery coating machine

lithium ion battery coating machine


battery electrode coating machine

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battery coating machine

Advantages of Continuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine

High productivity: 

The machine allows for continuous and uninterrupted coating process, leading to increased production efficiency.

Precise control: 

It offers precise control over coating thickness, ensuring uniform and consistent electrode coatings.

Versatile coating options: 

The machine supports various coating materials and methods, including doctor blade coating, slot die coating, and roll-to-roll coating, providing flexibility for different battery types and research needs.

lithium ion battery coating machine

Easy operation and maintenance: 

The machine is designed for user-friendly operation and maintenance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Improved coating quality: 

The machine enables improved coating quality with reduced defects and improved surface smoothness, resulting in better battery performance.


It can be adapted for both small-scale research and large-scale production, allowing for seamless scalability as research and production requirements evolve.

Please note that these advantages may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer of the Continuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine.


1. What is the application of Continuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine For Battery Electrode?

The Continuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine is used for coating battery electrodes in the production of batteries. It is specifically designed for continuous and intermittent coating processes to ensure high efficiency and consistent electrode quality. The machine applies a coating material onto the surface battery electrode sheets, which can be made of materials like lithium-ion, lithium polymer, or other battery chemistries.

The coating process is crucial in battery manufacturing as it helps improve the performance and stability of the electrodes. The Continuous Intermittent Battery Coating Machine offers precise control over the coating thickness, uniformity, and overall quality of the electrode coating. It allows for large-scale and batch processing of electrode sheets, ensuring consistent and reliable results.

By using this machine, battery manufacturers can achieve efficient production of coated electrode materials, which are then further processed and assembled into batteries. The coating machine enables high-speed and accurate coating, contributing to the overall productivity and quality of battery production processes.

2.What are battery coatings?

Coating is a core technology in the manufacturing process of lithium-ion secondary batteries (LiBs). Specific materials coated on the substrate function as the positive electrode (anode), negative electrode (cathode), and separator for isolating them, which combine to form the layered electrode (layered element).

3.What is the difference between wet coating and dry coating?

Wet coating usually involves attaching a liquid or semi-liquid coating directly to a substrate (such as a coat, paper, metal sheet, etc.) through a wet coating technique. This technology aims to evenly cover the surface of the substrate with a layer of liquid film for protection, decoration or functional enhancement. The dry coating uses non-liquid materials, which are attached to the substrate by different methods (such as spraying, rolling coating, electrostatic adsorption, etc.), and these materials are already dry or semi-dry at the time of attachment.

4.What is the dry coating process?

Dry coating technology, an innovative application of metal powder coating technology, focuses on providing solvent-free direct coating solutions for solid pharmaceutical dosage forms. The core of the technology is that the fine powder coating material is directly and uniformly attached to the surface of the solid drug, without the introduction of any solvent as a medium. Then, through a precisely controlled heating process, these powder coating materials are caused to melt and firmly solidify on top of the drug dosage form, resulting in a protective and aesthetically pleasing film. This process not only simplifies the solvent handling steps in the traditional coating process, but also significantly reduces the environmental burden and production costs

, arial, sans-serif; text-wrap: wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Il rivestimento umido solitamente comporta l'applicazione di un rivestimento liquido o semiliquido direttamente a un substrato (come un rivestimento, carta, lamiera, ecc.) tramite una tecnica di rivestimento umido. Questa tecnologia mira a coprire uniformemente la superficie del substrato con uno strato di pellicola liquida per protezione, decorazione o miglioramento funzionale. Il rivestimento a secco utilizza materiali non liquidi, che vengono applicati al substrato con metodi diversi (come spruzzatura, rivestimento a laminazione, adsorbimento elettrostatico, ecc.) e questi materiali sono già asciutti o semi-asciutti al momento dell'applicazione.

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